UK Marketers Lag Behind on AI Readiness, finds TripleLift Data

Tim Cross 18 June, 2024 

Ad tech business TripleLift this morning launched its ‘Global Innovation Readiness Scorecard’, ranking how prepared programmatic marketers are to adopt CTV, retail media, AI and addressability in four markets: the UK, US, France, and Germany. And according to TripleLift’s data, UK marketers are generally ahead of the curve when it comes to CTV, and fairly level with other markets on retail media and addressability, but lag behind other marketers in readiness to adopt AI.

TripleLift’s data comes from a survey run in partnership with Advanis and RepData, which asked 832 programmatic marketers across the four markets about the four areas – CTV, retail media, post-cookie addressability, and AI. TripleLift ranked marketers in each market on their knowledge of each area of innovation in comparison to global markets, their readiness to execute, and the size of the expected impact within that market. This gave an overall ‘readiness’ score for each of the four areas of innovation.

On the CTV front, the US and UK ranked highest, with readiness scores of 73 percent and 72 percent respectively. France scored 68 and Germany scored 67. This is fairly unsurprising, since the CTV ad markets in the US and UK are much larger than those of France and Germany, even when accounting for differences in population.

For retail media, Germany scored highest, with a readiness score of 64. UK ranked second with 61, followed by the US and France which both scored 59. TripleLift said that while there is big growth potential, a lot of spend is still concentrated within retail search ads. And marketers need a better understanding of the resources needed to execute a retail media campaign, as well as the intricacies of working across different markets.

France was ranked most prepared in relation to addressable solutions, where readiness to adopt cookie-free programmatic solutions is a key factor. France scored 70, its highest score across the board. Germany was close behind with 69, followed by the UK with 65 and the US and 63.

A general trend seen by TripleLift was that while many marketers say they’re ready and able to run addressable campaigns post-cookie deprecation, opinions around the size of the impact varied massively. This suggests there’s still a lot of uncertainty around exactly how much of an impact the removal of third-party cookies will have.

AI, perhaps unsurprisingly, tended to score relatively low across markets. France was again found to be most prepared, with a readiness score of 68. Germany scored 66, the UK scored 62, and the US scored 60. While marketers were generally aware of some of the creative impacts of AI, they were less aware of how AI will impact other aspects of advertising.

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About the Author:

Tim Cross is Assistant Editor at VideoWeek.
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