One of the big soundbites at New Video Frontiers, which was held over two days in London last week, came when Roi Carthy, CMO of Shine, an ad-blocking company, told Conor Mullen, Commercial Director, RTÉ Media Sales, that his company would not share revenue with publishers and platforms because ‘We’ve got a good racket going’.
Shine have been one of the more controversial ad-blocking companies to enter the ad-blocking arena as they work at the carrier, not the consumer level. The company recently inked a deal with Digicel, a Carribbean mobile carrier, who model is based on blocking ads at the carrier level, with a view to forcing publishers and platforms to pay carriers in order to have their ads shown over mobile networks. The entire panel is worth watching but the build up to the unexpected quote from Carthy starts at around 29:10:
Matt O’Neill, Founder, Teemo
Rags Gupta, GM, EMEA at Ooyala
Dr Richard Tynan, Technologist, Privacy International
Conor Mullen, Commercial Director, RTÉ Media Sales-Digital
Roi Carthy, CMO, Shine